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Embody Your Essence with the New Moon in Leo 12°34', Sunday,4th August, 12.14 BST,

Writer's picture: Patricia LeggattPatricia Leggatt

The often-quoted Hermes Trismegistus maxim, "As above so below. So within, so without," suggests that the outer world reflects our inner world. With this in mind, every new moon allows us to reflect on our inner awareness and change our individual reality and energetic frequency to make a difference. This new moon will enable us to reflect on the themes of the Leo season.

Leo the Lion: inner child playfulness, self-love, creativity, and how we can tend to our heart's desires.

In general, some keywords to consider for Leo are about the subjective self, creative expression, unique gifts and talents, courage, pleasure, passion, radiance, generosity, romance, taking risks, creativity, charm, and healthy ego on one side of the spectrum - Extravagance, bossiness, fixed in opinion, bombastic, overly dramatic and self-inflated ego on the other. Another trait may be a feeling of shyness on the one hand, yet a desire to be seen and praised on the other.

Ruled by the Sun, this archetype is supposed to take up space, shine, and energise without apology. We all have this energy somewhere in our astrological chart or life.

If there is a lack of this fire and Yang-like energy in our lives, we can consider our childhood games and interests—where did we find our fun, inspiration, and enthusiasm? What brought us joy when we were little? Journal and see what treasures you can excavate from the past.

How can we incorporate more playfulness, crafts, and imagination now? This is a great opportunity to upgrade our creative self-expression in alignment with what brings us joy.

When we remember our heartfelt goals and desires, we are on the right track to set new moon intentions. Then, we aim to share our uniqueness to make a difference. This is a wonderful preparation for the full moon in Aquarius on 19 August, which celebrates how far we have all come.

If you experience tension or stagnation, move your body, make noise, dance or roll out your yoga mat!

Leo is a fixed fire sign. It governs the heart and spine.

Here are some favourite yoga asanas that we have practised in our Sunrise class this term to lengthen and strengthen the spine: - Trikonasana (Triangle), Utanasana (Forward fold), Parvritta Parsvakonasa (Revolved Side-Angle), Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward Dog), Urdhva Svanasana (Upward Dog) and Bhujangasana (Cobra), plus any other heart-opening backends like Ustrasana (Camel) and Salabasana (Cobra). Savasana (Corpse).

We've been making some noise too! What better way to release and balance our energy?

Acknowledge all that sets your heart on fire. Tune in to the Leo energy and, with courage, make some positive changes.

Depending on where the 12 degrees of Leo are in your natal chart, it will reveal where you can embody passion and courage to create and make a positive difference in your world.

To sum up, give yourself full permission to have some fun this season. Remember that you have the power to transform your inner light to inspire and light the way for others with your innate gifts. Engage in the world with the love and loyalty of the lioness, the confidence and courage of the lion, and the playful creativity of the cub.


Trish x

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